The LeaderShop's Annual Trivia Night

The LeaderShop's 21+ "Back to the 90s" Trivia Night!
Sponsored by: Linda Sokol Francis - PREMIERE SPONSOR of The LeaderShop
Join us at The LeaderShop's Annual Trivia Night on Friday, February 17, 2023! From grunge to golf records to major scientific breakthroughs, the '90s were a decade of major changes and totally fun fads (hello, pogs and Beanie Babies!). Questions will be about television, music, movies, historical events, sports, fashion trends and more! Show your true LOVE of the 90s and round up your team now!
Teams can have a minimum of 6 players and maximum of 10. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams will win prizes! The 1st place team will also receive free registration and a free pizza for the 2024 event. Can your team beat our reigning champions? Who will have bragging rights this year?
Purchase your tickets now to find out! Cost is $25/person.
Test your 90's knowledge on Friday, February 17, 2023.
This event is for ages 21 and above. BYO Food and Beverage. Theme/costumes encouraged.
Please make sure to list your team name or team captain under the GROUP NAME section.
Interested in sponsoring this event as a Round Sponsor ($200) or as a Prize Sponsor? It's a great way to get your name out there and your product into the hands of local community members.
7:00 pm Game Begins
La Grange photography © Bob Briskey