The Keto Diet 101
The Keto Diet 101
December 2, 2017
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM CST

keto flyer
Event Description:
Been hearing about this thing call the Keto Diet? Hearing about all these people burning off fat and not feeling hungry? Wondering what the hype is all about? Come join us for this event to learn more. Learn the truth about this approach to eating. What is it? Who is it good for? What are the benefits and drawbacks? We'll answer some of the questions we get asked all the time and we are happy to answer yours as well
Absolution CrossFit
700 East Elm Ave
Ste A
La Grange, IL
700 East Elm Ave
Ste A
La Grange, IL
Date/Time Information:
Saturday 12/2/2017 beginning at 3 pm, running until about 5 pm
Contact Information:
Dr. Hector C. Davila, Pharm.D.
This is a free educational / informational event!
Set a Reminder:
La Grange photography © Bob Briskey