Mastermind #1 - Tapping into the Millennial Mindset
We hope you'll join us for an hour of member mentoring that's a combination of brainstorming, education and support to address a challenge that's common to many businesses: Tapping Into the Millennial Mindset.
Millennials pay attention to where businesses spend their money and how they contribute to society, as well as what they sell. We'll use collective creative thinking to address how your business can effectively target this audience.
A delicious complimentary lunch will be provided by LaGrange Pointe that includes a variety of sub sandwiches, salads and desserts along with soft drinks, water, tea/coffee. So sit back, relax and get your creative juices flowing. We'll be facilitating a discussion that's sure to help your business grow. Reserve your spot now - this class will fill quickly!
51 E. Cossitt Ave
12 pm-1 pm
La Grange photography © Bob Briskey