DIARY OF ANNE FRANK - LATTE Theater and Illinois Holocaust Museum

In THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK, Anne emerges from history a living, lyrical, intensely gifted young girl, who confronts her rapidly changing life and the increasing horror of her time with astonishing honesty, wit, and determination. An impassioned drama about the lives of eight people hiding from the Nazis in a concealed storage attic, It captures the claustrophobic realities of their daily existence—their fear, their hope, their laughter, their grief. Each day of these two dark years, Anne’s voice shines through: “When I write I shake off all my cares. But I want to achieve more than that. I want to be useful and bring enjoyment to all people, even those I’ve never met. I want to go on living even after my death!” A new adaptation for a new generation. Directed and Produced by Felicia Pfluger. Adapted for Stage by Wendy Kesselman.
$5 Students/Seniors/Military/First Responders
$15 Adults 7 pm, Friday, November 9th 2* and 7 pm Saturday, November 10th *Actor Talkback 708-655-0989
Plymouth Place Auditorium 315 N La Grange Road, La Grange Park
2 Hour Run Time including 10 Minute Intermission.
Panel Discussion Following Each Show with the cast and speaker from the Illinois Holocaust Museum who is a Second Generation Survivor, Steve Koek. Steve is a Son of Dutch Holocaust Survivor to Share his Family Story… Joe Koek and sisters among Hidden Children of Holland during World War II. Educational Materials Available
Presale Tickets will be available at Tate’s Ice Cream, La Grange
“Undeniably moving. It shatters the heart. The evening never lets us forget the inhuman darkness waiting to claim
Plymouth Place Auditorium
315 N La Grange Road, La Grange Park
2 pm and 7 pm Saturday, November 10th
$15 Adults
La Grange photography © Bob Briskey