Commuter Concert Series: Rose Buckner, A Performed Reading
Commuter Concert Series: Rose Buckner, A Performed Reading
June 20, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM CDT

Event Description:
For the month of June, we’ll be doing something a little different! Instead of a musical performance, Chicago actress and playwright Rose Buckner will present a 90-minute show in the Parlor portraying Olivia Buckner, a Kentucky woman who defied convention and risked death threats to marry a Japanese seminary student in 1903.
First Presbyterian Church of La Grange
150 S. Ashland Ave.
La Grange, IL 60525
(use Ashland Ave. entrance)
150 S. Ashland Ave.
La Grange, IL 60525
(use Ashland Ave. entrance)
Date/Time Information:
Tuesday, June 20, 6:00 p.m.
Contact Information:
Free-will offerings are received for the performers in our series.
Set a Reminder:
La Grange photography © Bob Briskey